Saturday, March 15, 2014

Final crib sheet.

Reading the comments below, you will see that we decided to not make any change. You will each bring your own crib sheet. Please put your name on that and hand it in with your final. Your crib sheet is expected to contain basic things like wave-functions, integrals and co-ordinate system relationships. You are expected to solve problems and draw graphs live at the final.  Your crib sheet should not contain any solved problems, partial solutions or graphs (only basic stuff).


I would like to suggest that we change our approach to the equation sheet for the final. (The thing people call a crib sheet or cheat sheet.)  I think we should all have a common equation sheet, one you will all be provided with at the exam. You will be familiar with it because I will post it here and we can discuss it in the comments here and add more things as needed.

This way you can spend you time understanding calculations and concepts and be freed of the need to prepare and double check your own sheet of integrals, equations and wave functions; more importantly, it seems most fair, as everyone will have the same thing.

I hope you like or are comfortable with this change. Please comment here either way. The final is still 6 days away so I think there will be time to put together a sheet that people will be happy with. I'll post what I have here later today (as an image and a link to a pdf) as a proposed starting point common crib sheet.


  1. I much prefer making my own sheet. Doing so is a good way for me to study and make sure I cover all the material. It motivates me to go through all my notes from class to compile a list of everything I think is important. Also, making the sheet myself helps me know exactly where everything is located on it, for quick reference during the test. I understand that you want everyone to have a fair and equal chance on the test, but we all have notes on the same material and thus have the same opportunity to make an effective note sheet.

  2. I disagree with giving everyone the same crib sheet. I think the act of formulating your own crib sheet forces us to review the material that we believe to be most valuable to the course, and giving us a crib sheet will take that away from us. I also think that making our own crib sheets means that those who spend more time on it will be more prepared and therefore have a better crib sheet, as opposed to those who do not spend much time reviewing having a worse crib sheet. I think giving us all the same crib sheet is also harmful in that sense.

  3. I agree with everything that has been said above, and want to add that making it for the midterm was really helpful in terms of studying and it worked well. Just knowing that I had the information I thought I needed helped a lot to reduce the stressfulness of the test. Having to memorize information isn't the focus of the test, I believe, and I know that every person has different stuff memorized- different strong points and weak points. Each person will need different information to reference during the test based on what they have previously ingrained through the homework, etc. Because of this, a universal note sheet would benefit some people more than others, whereas making a crib sheet for ourselves gives everyone the same chance to get the information they personally need.

  4. I think the act of making the crib sheet itself is actually the best form of studying. It allows me to go through my notes from class and determine what the key points are. Every student learns differently and may find different concepts more or less confusing, so making our own sheets allows us to personalize them in a manner that best helps us, as opposed to what someone else may need on theirs. Also, this is a fair way of doing it because those who prepare more are better have a better chance.

  5. I like both (making the sheet and the pre-made sheet) Lacking integral results is sort of not critical to understanding how to set up the problems in my opinion. i think most of the knowledge comes from the process rather than the integral results or constant values. if all we need is there, its really fair.

    i think this is a wise decision, because a test shouldnt test the reference sheet, it should test setting up the right problem and showing you actually know what youre talking about, rather than copying off of a sheet someone made for problems xyz.

    i hope this is in effort to make the exam really accessible mathematically for everyone <3

  6. I prefer making my own sheet as I have a color scheme to help me navigate around my sheet during the exam. Making our own sheets is the better choice in my opinion. If there is concern about worked out problems on the sheets, maybe you can collect our sheets at the end of the final to make sure people followed your guidelines.

  7. I much prefer us making our own crib sheet. That way, we can refer back to our notes and the style that we composed them. This can be a fair way of going through the exam.

  8. It seems like most people prefer making their own crib sheet. I suggest we just stick with that then, since that is we originally planned to do.

    1. I agree, I think sticking with the original plan is the best option.

    2. I think this is best, thanks for listening to our opinions and being flexible!

    3. can we see the example sheet that was posted up in here again? :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Abu SchrödingerMarch 15, 2014 at 4:10 PM

    You guys could have all made your own crib sheets and then thrown them away! Do you really need to be baby'd into studying?

    Alas – in front of us our careers stand as entire mountain ranges of serious physics to conquer, and yet again we find ourselves rather promenading on the treadmill!

    I'm with the first anonymous – he/she said it best; communal sheet as first choice, but obviously I'm up for both ways. Good luck everyone!

    1. Am I the only one who finds this sort of comment moderately disrespectful? It's your opinion that we should have a class crib sheet, and that's fine. But I don't think that makes us "babies" for wanting to make our own. I think we all understand that Physics is difficult, and will only get harder as we progress in our careers, we don't need you criticizing our work ethic, or perceived lack thereof.

    2. People who are better with visual learning might have more trouble if they created a crib sheet themselves and then had to use another one, as they have created a system of remembering which does not correlate with what another equation sheet might offer. Your means of learning and/or studying are far from universal.

    3. If you're so smart I dare you to show up to the final without a crib sheet

  11. Well I guess the voting has already taken place, but I would vote for a class crib sheet. I'd personally feel more comfortable knowing that if there was something crucial to working the problem that it would be there and that we'd all be working under the same assumptions. Just me. I would think that crowd sourcing this thing we could come up with a complete and concise set of basic equations and integrals that we could all use.

  12. I vote for class crib sheet, I think it's too ambiguous what should be on it. For example, an integral could be a solved equation in disguise.

  13. We didn't do this on the first midterm. Be consistent!

  14. So if we're making our own crib sheets, are they supposed to be one-sided or two-sided? Also, does having the value for a specific integral (say -3a) count as a solved problem?

  15. I am going to use my same crib sheet as the midterm. I am not write anything new on it.

  16. i wasted much time cribsheeting. im also upset how the semiconductor topics we spent much time on (which are also relatively straightforward) aren't on the test, and the really new and rushed material seems heavy. we'll see how this goes. good luck all.
