Sunday, March 9, 2014

Tuesday: 2-electron states, entanglement and qubits.

For Tuesday's class, based on your feedback and also consideration of what may be perhaps interesting and relevant in contemporary physics, I am thinking that we could discuss: states of 2 interacting electrons (including spin and e-e interaction), quantum entanglement, and the "double-dot qubit".  Along the way we may encounter the origins of anti-ferromagnetism and high temperature superconductivity, as well as Hund's rules (electron-electron interaction and correlation play a role in all of these). We may also touch on the concept of broken symmetry and "More is different" (P. W. Anderson, '72). There is a handout in the top post summarizing what you need to know about spin states and spin state notation before our next class.

Update: Looking over the notes I prepared, I am starting to get cold feet. This material looks challenging; it is at a rather high level for 101B.  Maybe we should reconsider and do something more ordinary? Please let me know what you think. I may work on a plan B.

* For entanglement, this site may be ok.

1 comment:

  1. I think these things look pretty interesting! Either way, I'd really like to go more in depth about spin in general.
