Saturday, February 22, 2014

Homework 7. extra problem (9) added.

Notes: 7 and 8 were added  Feb 25, 8 PM.  Problem 9 (extra credit) added Feb 27, 9 AM. Also, I made 5 move specific and hopefully more clear.

1.  a) Show that \(\psi_k = e^{ikx}\) is an energy eigenstate of the Schrodinger equation for a free electron:
$$ - \frac {\hbar^2}{2m} \frac {\partial^2} {\partial x^2} \psi (x) = E \psi(x) $$ What is its energy eigenvalue, \(E_k\)?

b) $$\Psi(x,t) =\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} \phi(k)\, e^{ikx} \,e^{-iE_kt/\hbar} dk$$ is a non-specific wave-packet state. Briefly explain the nature of the 3 terms in this integrand, and why the integral is over k.

Specific case: Let's consider the specific case of: \(\phi(k)= \frac{\sqrt{a}}{(2 \pi)^{1/4}}  e^{-(k-k_o)^2a^2}\).
c) At t=0, integrating the equation above with this specific \(\phi(k)\) leads to:
\(\Psi(x,0) =\frac{1}{(a\sqrt{2 \pi})^{1/2}} e^{-x^2/(4a^2)} e^{ik_o x}\).
Describe this wave-function. Check its normalization.

2. This is a continuation of the previous problem, using the same integral form of \(\Psi(x,t)\) and the same \(\phi (k)\). 
a) For t not equal to zero, integrating over k leads to:

\(\Psi(x,t) =\frac{1}{(a\sqrt{2 \pi} (1+iT))^{1/2}} e^{-(x-2 k_o a^2 T)^2/(4a^2(1+T^2)}e^{ik_o x/(1+T^2)} e^{ix^2T/(4a^2(1+T^2))} e^{-i(k_o a)^2T/(1+T^2)}\)
where  \(T=\frac {\hbar \, t} {2ma^2}\) is a unit-less quantity proportional to time (t). (This definition helps make the result more readable and understandable.)
a) Describe this wave-function or, if you prefer, you can describe \(|{\Psi (x,t)}|^2\) (which gets rid of the phase factors).
b) How far would you say the electron has traveled in time t?
c) What would you say is the electrons speed?
d) How much has the width changed by T=1? What is t at T=1?

3. Consider a 1-dimensional semiconductor doped so that there are \(5 \times 10^4 \)electrons/cm in its conduction band.
a) Suppose that is the presence of an electric field (an externally applied voltage), each electron acquires an average velocity of \(10^5\) cm/sec. What is the current associated with these conduction electrons?  (in coulombs/second)
b) Comment on the size of this current.
c) Just for fun, what is the current in electrons/second?

4. In a crystalline solid such as a semiconductor:
a) Can a filled band carry current?
b) Can an empty band carry current?
c) Can a partially filled band carry current?

5. In a simple semiconductor:
a) Each energy band comes from a particular s----- a--- e----- e--------- ?
b) Including spin, each band has a total number of states of (multiple choice): N/2, N, 2N, 1000
(where N is the number of atoms in the semiconductor).

6. Consider a square well with 5 bound state and 4 electrons. Assume that it is completely okay to ignore electron-electron interactions and we can therefore just put the electrons into single-electron bound states.
a) At low temperature (T=0), what states will be occupied and which will be empty? (Assume spin.)
b) What energy of photon would it take to excite an electron from the 1st excited state to the 2nd excited state?
c) Suppose you arrange 100 of these into a perfect one-dimensional crystal. How many total states would there be in the band associated with the ground state?
d) How many total electrons would you have in this 1D crystal?
e) What bands would be occupied and and which would be empty (T=0).
f) Roughly what energy of photon would it take to excite an electron from the highest occupied crystal state to the lowest unoccupied crystal state?

7. part I. Consider a square well with 5 bound state and 4 electrons. Suppose you arrange 100,000 of these into a perfect one-dimensional crystal.
a) How many total states would there be in the conduction band?
b) How many total states would there be in the valence band?
c) Suppose that you mix in 0.1% of atoms that are similar, but have 5 electrons. That is, you have 99.9% 4-electron atoms and 0.1% with 5 electrons.  How many electrons would there be in the conduction band?

7. part II. Now suppose that you mix in 0.1% of atoms that are similar, but have 3 electrons. That is, you have 99.9% 4-electron atoms and 0.1% with 3 electrons. 
d) How many electrons would there be in the valence band?
e) How many empty (unoccupied) states would there be in the valence band?
f)  How many holes would there be in the valence band?

8. Suppose you had an entire crystal made of 5 electron atoms (square wells as above), arranged in a perfect 1D array of 100,000 atoms.
a) How many electron would there be in the conduction band in this case?
(This is not a semi-conductor.)

9. (extra credit, late add) This is a question I should have asked, but I didn't think of it. It is not difficult, but provides useful background for understanding n-p junctions (which is why i though f it now).  Here is a chance to get some easy extra-credit.
a) When you dope a semi-conductor so that it has electrons in the conduction band, would the semi-conductor be negatively charged or would it be charge neutral? If you answer is "charge neutral", how can that be (since it has a number of negatively charged electrons in the CB)? Explain?
b) When you dope a semi-conductor so that it has holes in the valence band, would the semi-conductor be positively charged or would it be charge neutral? If you answer is "charge neutral", explain how.

11. [You do not have to do this problem. It is totally optional. This is a statistical mechanics problem involving finite temperature. It is peripheral, not central, to what we will be covering. Comment here on whether you are interested in this or not.]
a) Have you heard of the Fermi function? I think it is \( f(E) = \frac {1} {e^{(E-E_F )/KT} +1}\)
b) Suppose \(E_F\) is exactly half way in between the energy of the 1st and 2nd excited states of the square well system of problem 6. Additionally suppose the \(E_3 - E_2 = 1\) eV and that KT =25 meV (room temperature). What is the probability, in a stat mech sense, of a thermal electron in the second excited state?
c) In a crystal of 1 billion square wells, how many (thermal) electrons would there be in the 2nd excited state band? How many empty states would there be in the lower band? (Assume zero bandwidth and 1 eV between the 1st-excited state band and the 2nd-excited state band to simplify this problem.)
d) Because the band gap is a lot larger than KT, is the exponential term in the denominator of \(f(E)\) a lot bigger than the 1? What approximate expression for \(f(E)\) would you get if you ignore the 1 in the denominator? What is this called? (Boltzman statistics maybe?)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I think that might confuse people. I fixed it. Thanks.

  2. Question 1b
    I think the integral should have a dk, instead of a dx inside of it (as you said, the integral is over k).

  3. In question 11b you wrote "have" instead of "half" (typographical error, nothing major).

  4. Hey I'm thinking about the wave function from problem 1c, and what it means to have both a real and imaginary part. It seems like the real part would look like the ground state of the harmonic oscillator while the imaginary part would look like the first excited. How do these two parts help us understand what's going on with the electron?

    1. Ohh does that just mean its a superposition of those two states? Is that the idea?

  5. Is 6f asking essentially the same thing as 6b? If not, what do you mean by part f?

    1. 6a and b are questions related to a single well.
      6c - 6f are questions about crystals.
      That is the difference.

  6. For number 4 is this semiconductor exposed to an external electric field? And when talking about the energy bands, are you talking about the valence band or the conduction band?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This is kind of a general question. not about any particular band, but about bands in general.

    3. Yes. I am wondering, if it were exposed to an electric field, could it carry current?

  7. For part C of question 3, are we supposed to be converting into eV from Coulombs? Unless I'm missing something, how could we convert into electrons?

    1. I think if you leave out the e, that will accomplish the conversion. Does that work?

  8. As we saw in class, we have a density of electrons [e-/cm]. Multiplying this figure by the velocity [cm/s] gives the current in [e-/s]. Since 6.24*10^(18) electrons = 1 Coloumb, we multiply by the conversion factor {1.6*10^(-19) [C/e-] } to get the current in the standard units for current [C/s]. So really our answer to 3c comes before we calculate 3a.

  9. For 7E and 7F, are you referring to the 5 bound state with 3 electrons?

    1. I clarified that with an edit and divided 7 into 2 parts. Thanks.

  10. 7e and f are for the same case as 7d. Does that help?

    "d) Suppose that you mix in 0.1% of atoms that are similar, but have 3 electrons. That is, you have 99.9% 4-electron atoms and 0.1% with 3 electrons. How many electrons would there be in the valence band?
    e) How many empty (unoccupied) states would there be in the valence band?
    f) How many holes would there be in the valence band?

  11. Question 11.
    I think the negative exponent in the Fermi function should be removed (as it's already written as one over that).

  12. so, for #7, does TOTAL states in a specific band = the number bound states in a specific band, or does each bound state in a specific band contain an up spin state and a down spin state?

    1. The energy bands come from the bound energy eigenstates (5a). The total states in a specific band (including spin) is the correct answer to 5b (which did you choose?).

    2. so it is 2N because there are two spins? The problems also ask or the number of electrons which would be the same, so that is what threw me off.

  13. when calculating the energy of the photon to get an electron in the highest occupied to the lowest occupied state, do we need to multiply E2-E1 by the number of atoms?

  14. For question 8 I'm slightly confused. If you had a crystal made of 5 electron atoms the first two bands would be filled and there would be one band that is filled with 1 electron per atom if I'm not mistaken. How would this not be a semi conductor? There is a partially filled band which would suggest that the material would be conductive. Where am I wrong with my thought process here?

    1. Is it more like a metal (conductor)?
      I'm thinking a semiconductor has a very particular conduction electron arrangement depending on its application.

  15. I'm having a little trouble finding the specific correct answer to #5 part a in the reading. It seems a bit ambiguous to me. Can anybody help me out?

    1. Problem 5
      As Zack said in class on tuesday, each energy band comes from a particular energy eigenstate. As we know, an energy eigenstate can hold two electrons (spin up, spin down). Combining this with our new found terminology of semiconductors, the total number of states an energy band (across the entire semiconductor) has is 2N (where N can be thought of as the number of wells/atoms). In addition, the 2N states always exist - whether or not they are occupied depends on the context of the problem (useful for later questions).

  16. I am interested in #11 from an energy density perspective
