Sunday, February 2, 2014

Practice midterm problems & notes added weds 9 pm.

Notes added  (also see below for some added solutions related discussion): In addition to an in-class midterm there will be a short take-home due the night of the midterm.

This is a draft of some practice midterm problems. The level of difficulty here tends to be on the higher side; I would recommend going for mastery of the less difficult problems first. The midterm will not be quite this difficult or this long, but it will be difficult and I expect it to take the full 1hr and 45 min class period.  This is just a bunch of problems without detailed design. The midterm will have some straightforward problems and some more difficult ones. Being comfortable with the straightforward problems is very important!

I would like to also mention that there are posts here going back to early January, many of which remain relevant. (They can all be found via the blog archive on the right.) That said, starting problems, working problems and thinking about problems with just bank paper and your one page of notes is the best way to prepare imo. Unless you are stuck on some particular thing, reading produces only an illusion of preparation. In the end you have to be able to solve problems on your own.

Graphing will be featured on the midterm. Also quantum length scales (see problems 5 and 9 below), as well as the calculations of expectation values. Think about the relationship between confinement length scale (position uncertainty) and kinetic energy. Be able to recast the uncertainty principle in terms of a relationship between confinement length (position uncertainty) and kinetic energy.

Here are some partial answers to consider:
5. Well, for the H atom the emergent quantum length scale is \(\hbar^2/[m q^2/(4 \pi \epsilon_o)]\). So what does that tell us? What is it trying to say? Note that the \(q^2/(4 \pi \epsilon_o )\) is in that denominator. That is the strength of the interaction, right? So the stronger the interaction, the smaller the length scale. That \(q^2\) is a measure of the strength of the attraction between the electron and proton. The proton is pulling the electron toward it. And the \(\hbar^2\), in the numerator, is resisting that. Does that make sense?

For the harmonic oscillator,  the emergent quantum length scale is sort of similar in that in depends on \([\hbar^2/(m k)]\), where k is a measure of the strength of the HO potential that is trying to confine the electron, and \(\hbar^2\) is resisting that (like with H atom). Really the emergent quantum length scale for the 1D HO is, you may recall, \( a = [\hbar^2/(m k)]^{1/4}\).  Well, I didn't talk about m, but I hope you get the idea.

6. \(- q^2/(4 \pi \epsilon_o (4a))\), (This minus sign is important.)
Note also that \(q^2/(4 \pi \epsilon_o ) = 1.44  eV-nm\).

7. To evaluate the K.E., first use k to calculate a, then use a to calculate the K.E..

 I may add more later here in terms of commentary or other problems. Please recheck this site


  1. Problem number x2 and x3 are the same problem.

    They both ask bout the 1 d H.O.

  2. For number 7,

    Using ground state H O function. Is the = [ hbar ^(2) ] / [ 4ma^(2)]

    1. Did anyone else get this?

    2. I got (3/4) hbar^2/[ma^2]

    3. I don't think that is quite right. You should get 2 separate terms from taking the derivative. One positive and one negative. take the derivative carefully and check the integrals on wolfram alpha.

    4. oops, I wrote down my answer for the first excited state H.O.

  3. For problem number 8,

    I got = (16a)/3

    I drew some contour maps and I concluded that the overall contour map is is positive in the 4th quadrant. What did everyone else get.

    Is my answer correct?

  4. I found a web page that shows the wave functions of the hydrogen atom in 3d. It's pretty cool if anyone wants to check it out!

  5. For the quiz you said our sheet could only be one sided, can it be double-sided for the midterm?

  6. For question number 8,

    Is the expectation value of (r) going to be the integration in 3 dimensions of [phi(a) *r phi (a)] dV ?
    integration of all 3D space of course.

    I was confused if it was (phi(a)) * r * (phi(a))

    1. My guess is since it's an expectation value of a vector we'll need the expectation value of all three components (i.e. x, y, and z). Then the expectation value of r-hat will be composed of those three answers. But even if its not, the more practice the better right?

    2. Oww, I get how to do this problem now. Thanks...

  7. For 3c what do you mean by "linear combos of psi21x and psi21y"?

  8. Is it correct to say that the expectation values of potential energy for psi_21x and psi_21z are both equal to zero?

    1. no. they are each negative and non-zero.

    2. I was getting zero when I forgot to square the x, y, or z terms in the wave functions, maybe check to see that you're carrying out your squaring of the wave function correctly and including the (1/r) for PE.

  9. will you be posting solutions to the practice midterm before thursday?

    1. The idea here is some problems for you to consider and work on if you like. I will not be posting solutions to these.

  10. The Midterm went well. I am very happy that you posted a midterm review.

    You are a very good teacher.
