Friday, January 3, 2014

Homework 1: due Friday, Jan 10

Homework is due Friday by 2 PM in the Physics Dept mailroom across the hall from room ISB 231. There will be box to put your HW in from about noon to 2 PM. (If you come earlier or don't see the box, then you can put it in my mailbox.) 

Please do not hesitate post questions or comments here
. I encourage you to question anything that seems incorrect or unclear to you. Your questions and comments are strongly encouraged and appreciated. I am also interested to get feedback on whether you find some of these problems too difficult or too easy. Feel free to respond to other students questions and comments. Peer-to-peer dialogue can be very valuable.

This assignment focuses on math-related things which will be relevant to something we will cover in the near future. Feel free to use Wolfram-alpha for integrals, help with graphing, etc.. Graphs should be hand sketched --not too big (or too small). (Two relationships that did not make it onto this assignment are: exp(i*theta)= cos(theta) + i sin(theta), and (e^a)*(e^b) = e^(a+b).)

Imagine a string attached to fixed posts at either end. The string's simplest motions, are standing waves, called normal modes, in which the string moves at one particular frequency.  For problem 1 you are asked to sketch the string displacement profile at a time of maximum displacement (e.g., t=0) as a function of x.
1. a) For a wave on a string with fixed ends at x=-L/2 and L/2, sketch the lowest frequency mode.
b) Write a mathematical expression for this lowest frequency mode (at a time of maximum overall displacement).
c) Sketch the next lowest frequency mode of a wave on a string (with fixed ends at x=-L/2 and L/2).
d) Write a mathematical expression for y(x) for this mode (at maximum displacement).

Graphing: (Things to notice: overall shape, node location, asymptotic behavior. Please label and/or put scales on axes.)
2. (These are relevant to square well states.)
a) sketch a graph of cos(pi x/L) from x = -L/2 to L/2.
b) sketch a graph of sin(kx) from x = -pi/k to pi/k.
c) sketch a graph of cos(.7 pi x/L) from x = -L/2 to L/2. What is its value at x=L/2?
d) sketch a graph of B e^{-(x-L/2)/a} from x= L/2 to (L/2 + 4a). what is its value at x=L/2? At x=(L/2)+2a ?

3. (These are relevant to harmonic oscillator states.)
a) sketch a graph of e^{-x^2/a^2} (from about x = -2a to 2a)
b) sketch a graph of (x/a) e^{-x^2/a^2} (from about x = -2a to 2a)
c) sketch a graph of (x/a)^2 e^{-x^2/a^2} (from about x = -2a to 2a)
d) sketch a graph of (x/a)^2 e^{-(x-2a)^2/a^2} (from about x = -2a to 6a)

a) Sketch a graph of  |x|.
b) Sketch a graph of e^(-|x|/a). (|x| means "absolute value of x")
c) Sketch graphs of:  |x-2a|,  and of e(-|x-2a|/a).

5. (These are relevant to expectation value calculations, normalization and orthogonality.)
a) Integrate e^(-x^2/a^2) from x = -infinity to infinity.
b) Integrate (x/a) e^(-x^2/a^2) from x = -infinity to infinity.
c) Integrate (x/a)^2 e^(-x^2/a^2) from x = -infinity to infinity.
d) What are the units of the integrand and of the integral for 5 a)? (x has units of length).
e) Integrate (1-2x^2/a^2)e^(-x^2/a^2) from x = -infinity to infinity.
f) calculate exp{-i*w*t) at t=0, t=pi/(2w), and t=pi/w. Write exp{-i*w*t) in terms of cos and sin functions.
g) calculate the 2nd derivative of e^(-x^2/2a^2) with respect to x. (extra credit:)What are the units of each term in your result? (relevant to quantum kinetic energy)

Units for the quantum world:  (These will be used a lot.)
6. Using eV and nm (rather than Joules, meters, or some other choice) :
a) What is mc^2 ?
b) What is hbar*c ?
c) Find the value of is e^2/(4*pi*epsilon_0) in units of eV-nm. (e is the charge of an electron; pi = 3.14…; epsilon_0 is the permittivity of free space.)
d) Find the value of  hbar^2/m in eV-nm^2  (where m is the mass of an electron).

Spherical Coordinates: (7 and 8 are relevant to the hydrogen atom.)
7. a) what is z in spherical coordinates? (write an expression for z in terms of r, theta and phi.)
b) what is x in spherical coordinates?
c) what is y in spherical coordinates?

8. (These are relevant to the hydrogen atom.)
a) In spherical coordinates, calculate the integral of 1 over all theta and phi, and then from r = zero to a.
b) Calculate the integral over all (3D) space of: (1/pi*a^3))*r^2*exp{-2r/a}.
c) what are the units of your result from 8b?

Linear Algebra:  (9-11 are relevant to understanding state choices in the excited states of the H atom (and any other quantum degeneracy). You could skip these problems if you are pressed for time. The trade-off is that then your understanding of hydrogen states may not be as deep as if you understand these basic linear algebra concepts.)

9. In the context of linear algebra:
a) what is a basis?
b) given a set of vectors, what does it mean to say they are "linearly independent"?
c) given a set of vectors, what does it mean to say they "span"?
d) given a set of vectors, what does it mean to say they are "orthogonal" (or mutually orthogonal) ?
e) what is an orthonormal basis?
f) are these concepts familiar?

Consider the set of vectors {{1,1,1},{1,0,-1},{2,1,0}} .
a) Are they linearly independent?
b) Are they (mutually) orthogonal?
c) Do they span 3-D space?

Consider the set of vectors {{1,1,1},{1,0,-1},{-1,2,-1}} .
a) Are they linearly independent?
b) Are they (mutually) orthogonal?
c) Do they span 3-D space?

Extra credit:  Does one of the integrals from problem 5 illustrate an orthogonality relationship? What particular orthogonality relationship is it?


  1. On number 2 part d you wrote:

    sketch a graph of B e^{-(x-L/2)/a} from x= L/2 to (L/2 + 4a). what is its value at x=L/2? At x=(L/2)+2a ?

    Did you mean what is the value at x=L/2? and x=(L/2)+4a?

    I initially thought you mistyped a 2 instead of a 4.

    1. Good question. I know its seems odd, but I think it is okay as it is. I was asking what it is was halfway, that is, at L/2 + 2a

  2. For number 5 part a) here is a link that should help everyone doing the problem.

  3. About number 8 part b)

    Calculate the integral over all (3D) space of: (1/pi*a^3))*r^2*exp{-2r/a}. Are we suppose to add the Jacobian transformation, (r^(2))*sin(phi) , to the integral? Because the function is already give to us in terms of r.

    1. yes, exactly. (but in the conventional "physics notation" it is r^2 sin(theta), and theta goes from 0 to pi.

  4. Here is a conversation about using Wolfram alpha to plot things that I think might be useful.

    Question: I was trying to do the homework. You suggested that we use wolfram alpha, but I can't figure out why it keeps giving me a 3-D graph, I think it thinks the constants are actually a variable. Is there an option to change that? Or perhaps I'm misinterpreting the problem, if so, can I ask how I should approach these problems (ex. problem 2)

    Hmmm. I see what you mean.Maybe try setting L=1 or some other number.

    I agree that this is the best way to approach the problem. Wolfram alpha is pretty smart so you can give it an argument like: plot exp(-abs(x)/a)) for a=1 and it will understand that.   However, make sure you understand how assigning a value to these constants affects the labels on your axes!

  5. So when you say we can use wolfram alpha for integrals, does that mean we can just give answers for #5 or do we need to write out the steps for computing the integrals?

    1. no need to show steps. just get the result. But also look at the units and the value and see if they make sense to you. We will use these integrals a lot so it would be good to keep they on an index card or something for future reference.

    2. I did all the integrals by hand. Since I put more work into it then other students, do I get extra credit?

  6. on part b of number 4 is the function we are graphing supposed to be e raised to the |x|a power? Or is this just a simple multiplication?

    1. raised to the power. good point. I'll fix that mistake.

  7. For problems 1a and 1b, it asks about the lowest frequency mode, which I thought was the 1st harmonic. But then for problems 1c and 1d, it asks us a similar problem except about "the next lowest frequency mode (1st harmonic)". Is the first harmonic of a standing wave not the lowest possible frequency mode?

    1. Good point. That is confusing. I edited the problem to hopefully make that more clear.

  8. I did all the integrals by hand. Since I put more work into it then other students, do I get extra credit?

  9. Your a good professor.

  10. On all of number 3, when it says things like e^{-x^2/a^2}, does that mean e^{-(x^2)/(a^2)} or e^{((-x)^2)/(a^2) ?

    1. the a^2 is always in the exponential. This actually raises an important point, which is that the "argument" of an exponential must be unit-less. x has units of length and anytime it appears in an exponential (or a cos or sin) those units have to be "compensated". For example, e^x is not a valid expression in physics.

    2. Interesting. It's remarkable how much you can do by just considering units.

  11. Problem 5 is like 19b all over again... I wish I remembered that class

  12. For 5e) what do you mean by integrating orthogonality? I'm confused on that, because if I do the definite integral, it would just go to zero, right?

    1. I took that word out. Perhaps it was confusing. It is just an integral, and yes, you are correct about its value.

  13. Has anyone figured out 6c? I'm using epsilon_0 = 8.854*10^-12 F/m and I'm having trouble getting rid of the Farads.

    1. Figured it out incase anyone needs help: Farads = C/V, and then you can convert Coulombs to e.

    2. Cool. Yes. I think you can express eps_o in terms of Newtons, meters and coulombs then, and the coulombs can cancel with the e^2 coulombs.

  14. This was a fun homework assignment. I like doing math problems. I finished it on monday night.

    I thought a lot of these concepts were review. The only thing that was new to me was sketching the lowest frequency mode. I had to use google to figure out what the lowest frequency mode was.

  15. I was wondering what the points were out of on this assignment. I know some of the problems were labeled extra credit, so I was wondering what the "100%" score was.
