Saturday, January 25, 2014

Homework 4. Due Monday Feb 4 (3 PM).

(energy, oscillators, hybrids and L
1. a) Calculate the expectation value of 1/r for an electron in the state \( \psi_{21z} \).
b) Use that to obtain the expectation value of the potential energy for an electron in this state.
c) evaluate that in eV.
d) using your knowledge of the total energy, infer the kinetic energy for an electron in this state.

2. a) Do the same thing for an electron in the state \( \psi_{200} \).
b) Summarize your results in one or two cogent sentences. Include a comparison to what you already know about the ground state.

Harmonic Oscillator:
3. For a 2-dimensional harmonic oscillator, the most essential part of two first excited states can be written as:
$$ x e^{-(x^2+y^2)/(2a^2)} $$ $$ y e^{-(x^2+y^2)/(2a^2)} $$  (These span the space of first excited states.)
a) Do a contour graph of each of these.
b) normalize them.
c) Can you make off-center hybrid states from these states? why or why not? (an off-center state is one for which the expectation value of x or y is non-zero.)

4. For a 3-dimensional harmonic oscillator the most essential part of 3 1st-excited states (unnormalized) can be written in the form:
$$ x e^{-(x^2+y^2+z^2)/(2a^2)} $$ $$ y e^{-(x^2+y^2+z^2)/(2a^2)} $$ $$ z e^{-(x^2+y^2+z^2)/(2a^2)} $$   (these also span)
a) Can you make off-center hybrid states with these? why or why not? (an off-center state is one for which the expectation value of x, y or z is non-zero.)
b) (extra) Think about and discuss the difference between 3D harmonic oscillator 1st-excited states and H-atom 1st excited states in this regard. What are the implications?

 Hybrids (of hydrogenic 1st excited states):
5. This problem is about constructing \(sp^2 \) hybrid states from the 1st excited states {\( \psi_{21x} \), \( \psi_{21y} \), \( \psi_{21z} \), \( \psi_{200} \)}. (These states provide a basis and are mutually orthogonal and normalized.)
a) Consider the state \( \frac {\sqrt{2}} {\sqrt{3}} \psi_{21x} - \frac {1} {\sqrt{3}} \psi_{200} \). In what direction does this wave-function "point"?
b) Starting with this state as given, construct the other  \(sp^2 \) hybrid states. [ \( \psi_{21z} \) remains un-hybridized, so really you have two hybrid states to figure out, and those are in the x-y plane.]
c) sketch a picture of Benzene (C6H6) or ethylene (C2H4) and show how your \(sp^2 \) wave-functions relate to that.

6. This problem is about constructing \(sp^3 \) hybrid states from the 1st excited states {\( \psi_{21x} \), \( \psi_{21y} \), \( \psi_{21z} \), \( \psi_{200} \)}.
a) Let's start with the state \( \frac {\sqrt{3}} {\sqrt{4}} \psi_{21z} - \frac {1} {\sqrt{4}} \psi_{200} \). In what direction does this wave-function "point"?
b) Starting with this state as given, think about and describe the other 3  \(sp^3 \) hybrid states. (There are a total of 4.)
c) Construct the other 3  \(sp^3 \) hybrid states. [Hint: they each have the same coefficient on their \( \psi_{200} \) state.]
d) The coefficient on the \( \psi_{200} \) state is smaller than for the sp2 states. Why do you think that is?
 e) (extra work) Sketch a picture of some molecule or structure exhibiting \(sp^3 \) wavefunctions and think about how your wavefunctions relate to that.

7. When you are calculating the expectation value of x, y, or z for a hybrid state (an off-center hybrid), one can show that all non-zero integrals have integrands of the form:
\( x \psi_{21x} \psi_{200} \),
\( y \psi_{21y} \psi_{200} \), or
\( z \psi_{21z} \psi_{200} \).
a) list the \( \phi \) integrands that arise in this context. (List just the integrand, not the integral, e.g., \( sin^2( \phi ) \)is an integrand.
b) List each \( \theta \) integrand that arises in integrals of this form (same format).
c) (extra task) Also list some \(theta \) and \( \phi \) integrands that are zero, that arise when calculating expectation value of x, y, or z for hybrid (1st-excited) states.

Angular momentum:
8. Calculate
$$ - \hbar^2 /sin( \theta) \frac {\partial} {\partial \theta} (sin( \theta ) \frac {\partial \psi_{21z}} {\partial \theta}) $$
 a) Do you get back something proportional to \( \psi_{21z} \) ? if so, what is the proportionality factor?
b) The "operator" \( - \hbar^2 [\frac {1} {sin( \theta)} \frac {\partial} {\partial \theta} (sin( \theta ) \frac {\partial } {\partial \theta}) + \frac {1}{sin^{2} ( \theta)} \frac {\partial^2} {\partial \phi^2}]  \) is called \( L^2 \). Is \( \psi_{21z} \) an eigenstate of \( L^2 \) ?
c) (extra work) Is \( \psi_{21x} \) an eigenstate of \( L^2 \) ? Try it. Is this hard?
(There is a derivation of \(L^2\) in appendix G of Harris, Modern Physics.)

9.  The z-component of the angular momentum operator can be written \(L_z = - i \hbar \frac {\partial} {\partial \phi}\).
a) Show that when you operate on \( \psi_{21x} \) with this operator, that you get a result proportional to  \( \psi_{21y} \).  (That is, calculate \( - i \hbar \frac {\partial \psi_{21x}} {\partial \phi}\) and examine what you get...)
b) Similarly, show that when you operate on \( \psi_{21y} \) with \( L_z \) you get a result proportional to  \( \psi_{21x} \).
c) Additionally, show that  \( \psi_{21x} + i \psi_{21y}  \) is an eigenstate of  \( L_z \). What is its eigenvalue?
d)  What do you get when you "operate"  the operator \( L_z \) on the state  \( \psi_{21z} \). What does that imply about \( \psi_{21z} \) ?
e) (Extra work) Explore the relationship between \( xp_y - yp_x \) and \(- i \hbar \frac {\partial} {\partial \phi}\)


  1. Regarding question 1, we're asked to work with the state psi 210. I can't find that state in my notes or the book, is it something we will go over on Tuesday or Thursday? Or another way to write one of the 4 we already talked about?

    1. I fixed it. It should have said Psi 21z.
      Thanks for catching that!

  2. I have a fun time doing these homework problems.

  3. For Question 1 and 2:

    I have the same answers for part a, b , c, and d.

    for both questions (1 and 2) on part a I got <1/r> = 1/[4a]
    both of my part c's are -6.78 eV
    both of my part d's are 3.38 eV

    Am I doing this right? Did anyone else get the same answers as me?

    1. I got the same results as you for question 2, but for question one I didn't get the same...

    2. I thought the s-states have a slightly lower energy than the p-states – that's why they fill up first. So regarding your part d's being the same, I'm not too sure about that. What did you use for total energy in the n=2 state? It's -3.4 eV right?

    3. Alex raises an interesting point for further discussion. What do other people think?

    4. Interesting, I did not get 1/(4a) as my expectation value, but I obtained an expectation on potential energy that made sense from what we've discussed in lecture. How are you integrating?

    5. Monique: what are your integrands for the 3 integrals?

    6. actually I made a slight miscalculation, I also got 1/(4a) when i fixed it!

    7. I have 1/(4a) as my expectation value for 1/r but cant seem to find out how to get a reasonable value for potential energy. I'm using the value -1.44*10^-9 for the (-e)/(4pi)(epsilon) term in the potential energy operator, is this correct?

    8. For problem one 1 I got <1/r> = 1/2a, and for problem 2 I got <1/r> = 1/4a. My limits on integration for both were r [0:infinity], theta [0:2pi], and phi [0:pi]

    9. In the notation we are using theta and phi are interchanged. theta is from 0 to pi. phi from 0 to 2 pi.

      That is related to: z=r cos(theta)
      and not r cos (phi)

  4. Yes, I got the same result for 1&2.

  5. I have a question about the normalization coefficients of Psi's in the hybridization problems. I know that for sp2 they are 120 degrees apart and that Psi(x)'s has a negative sign and Psi(y)'s alternate in sign. I also know that the sum of the coefficients squared equals to 1. But I don't know how to turn the 120 degrees separation into the coefficients of 1/2,1/3,1/6. I believe, these are the coefficients for sp2. Does someone know how to calculate them?

    1. Kind of guessing the coefficients is not too hard. Actually showing that those coefficients make states that are "oriented 120 degrees apart" and in the x-y plane is more difficult, but certainly do-able with what you know, if you choose to.

      Basically, you could calculate the expectation value of the vector r that is, (x,y, z), for each state. See what direction r points in, and then verify that those directions are 120 degrees apart. That is the real physics way to check that. I don't know of any short-cuts, though there may be one if someone has some insight regarding that?

    2. Actually there is a more systematic way to do this. It is discussed in the video just posted. Basically the coefficients of the states become the coefficients of a vector in normal 3D space.

  6. For the L^2 operator in problem 8b i think there's an extra term of 1/sin^2(θ)∂^2/∂θ^2 that shouldn't be there.

    1. I believe there is still an extra term of 1/sin^2(θ)∂^2/∂θ^2 (the one in the middle) that isn't in the book.

    2. Operating on Psi(21Z) with L^2 yields 2hbar^2Psi(21Z), in the case of neglecting the middle term.

    3. Ah, I see know. I'll fix that. Thanks very much!

  7. Professor Schlesinger,

    Can you make a video about number 5. I keep on getting confused about part b.

    1. I too am confused about how 5b and 6 work. What does it mean to construct a sp2 state? and phi 21z is a hybrid state?

    2. I'm not sure, but what the TA was mentioning that sp^2 just means that its S+P+P. And then if you look at the given equations for 5 and 6, when you square them, the coefficients just add to one. For the 5, its 2/3(p)+1/3(s) when you square them.

    3. I reworded that for better clarity. You are right that it is confusing to call psi_21z a hybrid. It remains un-hybridized in sp2.

  8. Just wondering if 7 has a typo? Does it mean to say, "zero integrals have integrands of the form" ? Because I can't figure out what it means otherwise.

    1. not a typo. I don't understand your concern?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Nevermind, i figured it out, sorry for the bother.

  10. I am going to do so good on this midterm. I am going to write answer key where my name goes.
