Saturday, January 25, 2014

Homework 3 solutions link.

As Eric pointed out, there is a mistake in the solution to problem 7 (and problem 8). For 7, the theta integrand is actually  \( sin^3 (\theta) \), which integrates to 4/3. This changes the answer from 1.5a to 3a. It also changes the answer for problem 8 to \( 2 \sqrt2 a \), which is about 2.8a, i.e., a little less than 3a.

If you take a close you you can see that non-zero angular integrals, in our hybrid state calculations, come from terms of the form: \(x^2 sin\theta\), \(y^2 sin\theta\) or \(z^2 sin\theta\). The \(sin\theta\) comes from the Jacobian and the powers of x, y or z come from the state and the thing we are taking the expectation value of, respectively. (All the angular dependence of the state is in the x, y or z term, right?) For both the x^2 or y^2 cases the \(\theta\) integrand will be \(sin^3(\theta)\) , so that is a common integral (4/3) and the \(\phi\) integrand will be \(cos^2 \phi\) or \(sin^2\phi\), either of which integrate to pi. For the z case the \(\theta\) integrand will be \(cos^2\theta sin \theta \) (which integrates to 2/3) and the \(\phi\) integrand will be 1, which, of course, integrates to \(2 \pi \).

The expectation, based on symmetry considerations, that the integral of \( x \psi_{21x} \psi_{200}\) should be the same as the integral of \( z \psi_{21z} \psi_{200}\) is thus borne out.


  1. I think there's an error on 7a. The 2 on the second row seems to disappear and the answer on the solutions is 1.5a which is half of 3a, the answer that was derived in class on Tuesday, Jan. 21.

    1. Sorry, that wasn't actually the error. The error is in the integral of theta where cos^2 theta sin theta which equals 2/3 is integrated when there is actually a sin^3 theta which equals 4/3.

    2. Excellent work. I will have to fix that for the graders. So are you finding that the correct answer is 3a?
      Thank you Eric.

    3. I think that error carries over into problem 8 as well. (Should be a factor of 2 larger.)
