Saturday, January 25, 2014

Midterm is on Thursday, Feb 6.

In response to the first comment below, the goal of this midterm is to test, bring into focus and solidify, and perhaps enhance your understanding of quantum physics in the context of our 1D systems and the ground state and 1st excited states of the H atom electron. (The latter goals are just as important as the first.)

A page with states and integrals, as well as "constants" that will help you calculate things in eV, nm type units will be essential. Just one page. No worked problems.

For the 1D HO and infinite square well, bring 3 states each. For the H atom,  the gs and 1st excited states will be needed. There may also be finite square well questions. A good qualitative understanding of the finite square well is of value.

One can expect that there will be calculational problems, e.g., expectation values, numerical evaluation (getting something into eV, for example) and qualitative discussion.

I'll add more here as I think of it. Reworking HW problems is an excellent way to start preparing. This web site contains a lot that will help you. Reading a book is not generally an effective way to prepare.

The best way to prepare is to pick a HW problem, or a problem of your own design and of reasonable difficulty, and see if you can do it on just a blank piece of paper, not looking at any solution.  Reading solutions, or any reading, is not as good, except as a prelude to actually working a problem on a blank piece of paper (with your notes as your only aid).

1 comment:

  1. What should I study for the midterm?
    Is there going to be a study guide for the midterm? How about a practice midterm?
    Should I just do all the homework again?

    Are we allowed any notes on the test? Such as one page of notes? so I may write down some of the wave functions.

    I really what to do good on this midterm.
