Saturday, January 11, 2014

Homework 2, due friday Jan 17, 2 PM.

This is our last assignment on 1D QM and, as such, it is important to providing you with a foundation to understand the 3D quantum that we will do next. I would suggest starting soon and spending as much time as you can on this assignment.

 Whenever units are needed, please use eV and nm as your default units.  Problem 5 is pretty difficult, but I think that if you can do it and understand it then you will really learn a lot about the nature of potential and kinetic energy in quantum systems. This should be useful later in this class and, I think, in future quantum physics classes you take.

1. For an electron in the ground state of a 1D harmonic oscillator, calculate the potential energy expectation value.

2. For a harmonic oscillator system:
a) what are the units of k?
b) what value of k yields a ground state potential energy expectation value of 1 eV ? For this k value, what is the quantum length scale, "a"? (Recall that "a" is a parameter with units of length constructed from \( \hbar \), m and k.) (Use an electron mass for m.)
c) Calculate the expectation value of the kinetic energy and then evaluate it in eV for an electron in the ground state of this potential (i.e., a potential with this particular k value from part b)).
d) Calculate \( \Delta x\) in nm for an electron in the ground state of this potential. (Again, using the value of k from part b).)
e) (extra credit) What is \( \Delta x \Delta p\) for an electron in this state?

3.  For an infinite square well of width L (centered at x=0) calculate the kinetic energy of an electron
a) in the ground state
b) in the first excited state
c) which is larger?  by how much?

4. Calculate in eV the kinetic energy of an electron in the ground state of an infinite square well of width 0.613 nm.

5. For a finite square well centered at x=0, that is 0.613 wide (same as the previous problem) and 1.0 eV deep, I am pretty sure that the ground state is approximately as follows:
inside the well: $$\psi_1 (x) = (0.55)^{1/2} (2/L)^{1/2} cos(0.6 \pi x/L)$$
Outside the well on the right (that is for \(x \gt L/2 \) :
$$\psi_1(x) = (.193)^{1/2} (2/L)^{1/2} e^{-(x-L/2)/a_1}$$
where a = 0.27 nm
a) Sketch this state. 
b) Calculate the expectation value of the potential energy for an electron in this state. Where does the potential energy come from?
c) (extra credit) Calculate the expectation value of the kinetic energy for an electron in this state.
d) (extra credit) What is the contribution to the kinetic energy from a region where the wave-function is evanescent (e.g., \(x \gt L/2\) )? How does that compare with the potential energy contribution from this same region?

6. Referring to the same potential, U(x) as in the previous problem:
a) What is the (total) energy, \( E_1\) of an electron in this ground state? [hint: Try calculating the total energy directly using the the Schrodinger equation in the well (where U(x)=0). This way, once you understand what to do, you can get \( E_1\) fairly quickly. Also, then you can use that to check your results from problem 5, since K.E. + P.E. = total energy, even in quantum physics.]
b) What is the binding energy of this electron in this state?
c) Thinking about a photoelectric process, what energy and wavelength of photon would it take to free this electron?
d)  (extra credit) Plot the energy of the freed electron as a function of the energy of the incident photon that freed it. (Assume the photon transfers all its energy to the electron.) (Please start both axes scales at 0. I think we can see and learn more that way.)

7. Now let's consider a deeper well. For a 16 eV deep square well that is 0.613 nm wide, I believe that there are exactly 4 bound states and that their energies are:
0.74 eV, 2.95 eV, 6.54 eV and 11.32 eV
Suppose the well has one electron in it, and that electron is in the ground state.
a) What energy of photon would be ideal to excite the electron from the ground state to the 11.32 eV state?
b) Suppose instead we start with the electron in the 1st excited state, and then it drops down to the ground state, emitting a photon. What will the energy of that photon be? What color does that correspond to?
c) Extra: Think about the following: what causes or allows the electron to drop to the lower state?  

8. For the same square well as in the previous problem, suppose the electron starts out in the ground state and then absorbs all the energy of a 16 eV photon.
a) Will that electron still be bound or will it become free?
b) If it is free, what will its kinetic energy be after it absorbs the 16 eV?
c) (extra credit) Sketch a picture illustrating this process.

9.  For the same square well as in the previous problem, now suppose the electron starts out in the ground state and then we gradually change the width of the well until the electron (still in a ground state) has an energy of 3 eV.
Then after that the electron absorbs all the energy of a 15 eV photon.
a) After the electron absorbs the photon, would it be bound or free? What will its kinetic energy be?
b) Think about, and then guess, what well width, more or less, might correspond to an electron ground state energy of 3 eV. Will it be wider or narrower than our original 0.613 nm well, in your opinion.
c) Extra: Think about where the energy might have come from to increase the electron's energy from 0.74 to 3 eV.


  1. Question about number 1

    Is the potential energy expectation value of the 1D harmonic oscillator just the potential energy of the harmonic oscillator?

    If so, does this mean it is just U(x) = (1/2)*k*x^(2)

    1. Hmmm. No, it means the expectation value of that U(x) for an electron in the ground state. It involves an integration over all space of U(x) and the wave-function squared. (see, e.g., the expectation value video from a Jan 3 post).

    2. What is the expectation value operator for potential energy expectation value?

    3. I watched the video and it seems that there is a specific operator for each type of expectation value. But I have no idea what the potential energy operator is.

    4. Professor,

      Considering the above operator, for problem 1 is it correct to say the expectation value for the potential energy is equivalent to:
      <U> = (1/2) k <x^2> ?

    5. Evan,
      Yes! What you say makes perfect sense.

  2. For problem number 8

    I think the electron will become free because the electron will have enough energy to overcome the bound state of 11.32eV.

    Therefor, the KE will be equal to E - U = KE = 16eV - 11.32eV = 4.68eV

    What does everyone else think about this? correct or incorrect?

    1. I think that 11.32 is the energy above the energy of the bottom of the well, so it is important but not exactly the binding energy. What is the binding energy for a state with and energy of 11.32 eV with respect to the bottom of the well? What does it take to get to the top of the well?

  3. About question number 7 ( Important ! )

    7. Now let's consider a deeper well. For a 16 eV deep square well that is 0.613 nm wide, I believe that there are exactly 4 bound states and that there energies are:
    0.74 eV, 2.95 eV, 6.54 eV and 11.32 eV

    for calculating those bound states did the professor use

    E= ( n^2 * (pi)^2 * (hbar)^2 ) / ( 2 * (Mass of electron) * (Length)^2)

    because I get energies of

    ground state (n=1) = 2.3eV

    first excited state (n=2) = 9.22eV

    second excited state (n=3) = 20eV

    third excited state (n=4) = 36.9eV

    It is only when I used pi being not squared,
    E= ( n^2 * (pi) * (hbar)^2 ) / ( 2 * (Mass of electron) * (Length)^2)
    that I get energies of:

    ground state (n=1) = 0.734eV

    First excited state (n=2) = 2.9eV

    second excited state (n=3) = 6.6eV

    third excited state (n=4) = 11.7eV

    1. Until this clarification, I am going to study for my other two physics classes.

    2. You raise some excellent points; lets compare numbers.

      For an infinite square well of width L=0.613 nm I get:
      197^2 pi^2/(2* .511*10^6 .613^2) = .997 eV.
      The terms are: (hbar c)^2, then pi^2,
      and then in the denominator:
      2 mc^2 and L^2.

      Does that make sense? I hope i did that correctly.

      Additionally, and this is important, the energies I quoted in the problem are for a finite height well (16 eV), so all the energies are a little lower (do to the spreading out of the wave-functions and the associated reduction of kinetic energy.

  4. For problem 2, because it has many interdependent parts, please feel free to post you results from part b) for k and a here and let's see if we can reach a consensus on that.

    1. I have no idea if I'm on track with these answers but I got 1.32e29 for k and 1.57e23 for a

    2. I got k=210.5 ev/nm^2 & a=.138nm.

      These were found using < u>=1/4ka^2 which I am not entirely sure about.

  5. For 2 part c would the expectation value for KE be the same as it was for potential energy?

    1. we calculate it the same way, this time we use the KE operator.

    2. How can I find the KE operator?

    3. I'm trying to use p^2/2m as the KE function and p = -ihbar d/dx as the momentum operator, but while reading I found that you can't simply square the momentum operator. What should I use as the p^2 operator?

    4. Your expressions p^2/2m and p = -i hbar d/dx are perfect. When you square the momentum operator you get a 2nd derivative:
      \( - \hbar^2 d^2/dx^2 \)

    5. so for < T> = integral psi(x)^2 T(x), T(x) is −ℏ^2/2m d^2/dx2 ? Does this mean that we need to find the second derivative of psi(x)^2 before integrating?

    6. Not exactly. You take the 2nd derivative of just one of the wave-functions. You can see and example of that in the video "expectation values" (at about 7 minutes in) in one of our earliest posts on this site.

  6. Did anyone else get K = 33.808 Ev/(nm)^2 for 2 b

  7. For number 6 part a I found the value of KE to be equal to a multiple of hbar/2m. I can't seem to figure out how to compute hbar/2m so that I get ev out. Can anyone help?

    1. I don't think hbar/m has units of energy, but that is a good diagnostic that suggests a problem and alerts you to go back and re-examine how you go that result. Did you take two derivatives?

  8. For problem number 2,

    What is a stand for? what is it? I have in my notes a= (((hbar)^(1/2))/(mk))^(1/4)

    1. 'a' is the quantum length scale (it has units of length); I believe it's actually [hbar^2/(mk)]^1/4. The second video Prof. Schlesinger posted on this site talks a bit about it, "Harmonic Oscillator States and LengthScale."
